miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017


Hola a todos!
Just a heads up before you read this: I have never blogged before and I dont really know how to blog, but I'm going to give it my best shot.
That being said, be prepared for this to be mediocre at best in comparison to any professional blogs you have read in the past. If you have not read any blogs in the past, profesional or otherwise, assume this is how they are supposed to be written and that I am essentially the worlds best blogger.

Some other background information before you continue:
I am currently a junior in college at UW-Lacrose in Wisconsin. My major is currently in Biology as a pre-med student and my minor is in Spanish.  (Take note of how nowhere in those sentences did I mention a major or minor in English. Please keep this in mind while reading.) I am studying abroad for 5 weeks in Seville, Spain through the SAIIE program. This is the trip I will be blogging about. I have traveled out of the U.S. 4 times before, to the U.K., Cancun, Canada, and Costa Rica. However, this is my first out of the counrty trip not featuring an adult chaperone equipped with a step-by-step daily schedule.

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